The Japan trailer was entertaining. Aside from that, Karthi is in fantastic form after superhit films like Ponniyan Selvan."
Kajal Aggarwal, the beloved star of the South Indian film industry, is making a remarkable comeback with her latest project Satyabhama.
'Ma Oori Polimera 2' was released in theatres on November 3 as a worthy sequel to 'Ma Oori Polimera'.
The success celebrations of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Dasara hit Bhagavanth Kesari were held in the presence of the entire team and a few special guests.
Consistently, Samantha mesmerizes her devotees with unwavering regularity. During a recent incident, she was sighted donning a cerulean outfit that highlights her feminine allure.
Predicting the success or failure of a film on the TV remains a difficult task.
Mrunal Thakur possesses an ageless elegance that radiates through every ensemble she adorns, captivating the gaze of numerous film enthusiasts.
The film is all about the challenges faced by three married pairs imperil their bonds. It revolves around three distinct couples, each grappling with a unique marital dynamic.
There are reports of intense power struggles within the Nara family regarding party affairs since Chandrababu Naidu's imprisonment.
Bharatiya Janata Party, which is desperate to come to power in Telangana, is taking out one weapon or the other ahead of the assembly elections in the state scheduled to be held on November 30.
The image is rapidly gaining traction today. It captures Nadendla Manohar of Jana Sena and Nara Lokesh of TDP in a handshake.
Recently, Allu Aravind mentioned that his company, Geetha Arts, is now concentrating on making small movies due to money problems.
The Congress on Thursday released its final list of four candidates for Telangana Assembly elections and replaced candidate in Patancheru constituency.
A youth was allegedly beaten to death by parents and relatives of a minor girl, with whom he was having an affair.
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